Cicero is a startup non-profit association organized to create a machine learning entity to enable all citizens to have equal and impartial legal knowledge. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has the ability to achieve a function that has never existed in our time before, true impractically of the law.

Cicero AI is be an open-source big data program that catalogs all available legal knowledge and trains a machine learning algorithm to understand and make connections in the data. Once compiled and trained, a user interface platform will be made available to all individuals openly and free. We will not charge any individual, group, corporation or society for access to the Interface.

The concept of an artificial intelligence lawyer is not unique. Other companies have created AI programs to perform such functions and leased them out to the big law firms.

We believe that the law should not have a price tag, and although these for profit firms are providing a marketable need, we feel that through an open-sourced drive we can facilitate the true meaning of the axiom, “equality under the law”.

Cicero Open AI Law Foundation plans to raise capital through donations and a crowdfunding campaign to construct Cicero, a machine learning artificial intelligent agent and make it available to all individuals equally and freely via all digital avenues.

Vision & Mission

Cicero AI views itself as the champion of the law and equality under the law through machine learning and artificial intelligence. It is our goal to foster a growth in machine learning and artificial intelligence to see all individuals have true free and equal access to the law.